Discover how Santa Maria College easily manages future enquiries

A Real World Case Study – Managing School Enquiries

Mrs Kylie Lawtey is the Admissions & Marketing Leader at Santa Maria College, a Catholic all-girls high school located in the Melbourne suburb of Northcote, Victoria, Australia. She has been an active user of Enquiry Tracker for the last year and was kind enough to write this article based on her recent experiences using our product. Hopefully you will find these findings insightful…

The Challenge
The biggest challenge I faced when it came to managing future student enquiries was that we didn’t have a system to record relevant details of families that requested an enrolment pack. Instead, we just handed them out randomly with no record of who they were going to, the age of the prospective student or anything else…
We also used TryBooking for tour bookings which worked ok. However, now with Enquiry Tracker, or as I like to call it ET, we can not only see when/if a family has attended an Open Day, but whether they have requested an Enrolment Pack, had a Personal Tour etc. Even better is that all the information is stored in one place and each family has its own history.
Previously, we did not ask families to pre-register for Open Day, but now with Enquiry Tracker, this process is straightforward and, in fact, when we used Enquiry Tracker at our Open Day for the first time last year, we found that over 80% of families pre-registered which drastically reduced congestion on the day as families did not need to stop and enter their full details. We now have all family information in one place, using one easy system.
We have our student ambassadors use “CheckIn mode” at our Events to welcome families and gather additional relevant information.

Initially, I thought that it might take a while to learn the new system, but it is so user friendly that it took no time at all. The menus and interface are very intuitive.
The Solution
We are now using the Enquiry Tracker forms on our website so families can request an Enrolment Pack or Register for an Event, or both! It is so handy to see the alerts that come through via email when families complete these forms online. Our Receptionist then manages the posting out of Enrolment Packs within a 24-hour period. Furthermore, every person filling out a form receives an automated, personalised email from our school – this not only saves time, but demonstrates how responsive we are to families that are interested in our school.
The dashboard makes it so easy to see at a quick glance how many Enrolment Packs we have posted this year and how many people are registered for upcoming tours. Prior to Enquiry Tracker, our Receptionist would manually make a note each time she posted a pack. A tedious task that once took hours especially when it came to tallying up all the data.

See where your future families are located
The Geographic map in Analytics is also pretty cool. At a glance you can see where your students are located and how far and wide they are coming from.
It makes it so much easier to manage the day-to-day tasks of a Registrar. Combining tours, events and enrolment packs in one easy to use system makes life so much easier. Gone are the days of having numerous spreadsheets to track data.
Biggest Benefit
The biggest benefit of Enquiry Tracker is definitely having all of your information in one place.
It makes it so much easier to manage the day-to-day tasks of a Registrar. Combining tours, events and enrolment packs in one easy to use system makes life so much easier. Gone are the days of having numerous spreadsheets to track data.
Support is always on hand. Greg and Antony are just an email away and both respond very promptly. Kristy is always keen to come out if we need a more ‘hands on’ approach. They are also open to feedback and suggestions about new features/functionality etc. and are consistently looking at ways to improve the program by listening to the feedback they receive from schools. It amazes me that they continue to improve their product regularly to help manage our workload. It’s truly changed our lives!
I actually sometimes find it hard to remember how I managed BET (Before ET). The program can be used on so many levels, if you just want access to the basics then it does it all in the background without you having to do too much at all. The system will record event registrations and alert you to families who are wanting a Prospectus mailed. You can easily start off slow and then become an expert as you discover the wonderful features and functions that this fantastic program offers.
We appreciate Kylie sharing her insights and hope you found these helpful.
Of course, if you want to learn more about how Enquiry Tracker can help your school when is comes to marketing and admissions, contact us today for a demo