Inspire, Inform and Cultivate
Beyond Education is delivered monthly for free on topical education news just for schools.
The show offers an incredible value add for schools particularly to share as a brilliant resource with their community and team plus deliver great insights used to inspire strategies.
BE Inspired. BE educated. BE Unique.
Our audience is interested in world news. They want to know how it will impact their work and lives. We speak directly to the news-makers, politicians and business leaders every day. We focus on innovative businesses, celebrate great achievements and deliver authentic content across every platform.

Mike Loder
A Pathway Forward: Ending School Bullying
EPISODE 10 | Join Frank Mechler, CEO of Bullyproof Australia, who brings insight into innovative strategies to address the ongoing challenge of Bullying and fosters safe, more inclusive school environments. [...]
Big Picture Thinking = Transformational Change
EPISODE 9 | Join Richard Mills, Founder of Digital Schools and Upschool, in this episode where we explore how purposeful education drives innovative communication strategies, enhancing school-family connections. [...]
Navigating the Tertiary Transition
EPISODE 8 | Join Stephen Campitelli, Learning Strategist from the University of Melbourne, who discusses the challenges and opportunities that come with the pivotal transition from High School to College or University, offering practical [...]
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Schools
EPISODE 7 | Join Sheetal Deo from Diversity Council Australia Ltd, who shares her expertise on actionable strategies to drive equity forward in education.
Essential School Marketing Strategies for Schools
EPISODE 6 | Join Greg Campitelli, Director of Enquiry Tracker, for this brilliant episode on essential and low cost marketing strategies for schools.
The Great Homework Debate
EPISODE 5 | Join special guest Associate Professor of Education from the School of Education and Human Development at the University of Virginia, Robert H Tai, as we delve into the pros and cons [...]
The Big Challenge Facing Schools – Customer VS Client?
EPISODE 4 | Join special guest Frank Donaldson, President at the Institute of School and Parish Development, as we delve into another brilliant episode which reveals the big challenge facing schools. [...]
The Super 7: How to Choose the Right School
EPISODE 3 | Join Director and Co-Founder of Enquiry Tracker, Greg Campitelli, as we unveil the Super 7 Tips for parents to assist with selecting the right school for their children. [...]
The Evolving Balance of AI and Education
EPISODE 2 | Join Jesse Roberts, Brand General Manager of Unbound360, who provides personal insights into AI within the education sector.
A Balance of Socials and Schooling
EPISODE 1 | Join Angie Ward, Enroll Media Group USA Founder and President. who offers valuable insights on navigating the social media maze in education.
The Gap Year: To Leap or Not to Leap
EPISODE 10 | Join Rae Nelson, Board President of The Gap Year Association, as she discusses the concept of schools and students exploring alternative experiences.
Indigenous Education: The Power of Positive Change
EPISODE 9 | Join Dr Lois Peeler, a proud Aboriginal Elder and Educator, as she discusses the transformative impact of Indigenous education.
Is Private Education Worth It?
EPISODE 8 | Join Heather Hoerle, Executive Director and CEO from The Enrollment Management Association, for some fresh insights into this compelling debate.
School Governance: The Importance of Getting it Right
EPISODE 7 | Join Dr Brooke Carroll, Principal Consultant and Coach from Acies Strategies as we delve deep into the crucial aspect of getting school governance right. [...]
Neuroplasticity and Brain Centred Education
EPISODE 6 | Join renowned Canadian author, founder & director of The Arrowsmith Program, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, as we unleash the power of neuroplasticity in education.
Using Data to Make Strategic Decisions and Drive Enrolments
EPISODE 5 | Join Kevin MacNeil, Chief Accounts Officer from Metric Marketing, who provides some brilliant insights and tips on vital data for key decisions in education. [...]
Girls Powering STEM
EPISODE 4 | Join Jen Martin, Associate Professor in the Faculty of Science, School of Biosciences, as we delve into the empowering journey of girls in STEM. [...]
Should Parents Be Involved In Education?
EPISODE 3 | Join Siobhan Allen, Catholic School Parents Association Acting Chair, as we explore the extent of parental involvement in education.
AI Technology in Education
EPISODE 2 | Join Tim Miller, Co-Director of the Centre for AI at the University of Melbourne, who shares some intriguing insights about AI in education.
Business Thinking To Drive Enrolments
EPISODE 1 | Join Antony Campitelli, Enquiry Tracker CEO, as we discuss how some of the best schools use business thinking to drive enrolments.
Academic Integrity – The Vexed Plagiarism Question
EPISODE 20 Join James Thorley, Regional Vice President APAC from Turnitin, as we discuss Academic Integrity.
The Future Curriculum for Schools – What Are The Right Subjects?
EPISODE 19 Join Sharon Foster, Executive Director of the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA), as we discuss the debate of traditional subjects studied at school at the core of many education systems [...]
To Grade or Not
EPISODE 18 | Join us as we hear from Jesse Stommel, Executive Director of Hybrid Pedagogy, who speaks to ‘ungrading’ and the phenomenon that's starting to sweep and create interest around the world in [...]
The Importance of Your School Story – Communication is Key
EPISODE 17 | Join Tam Fawcett, Dynatex Digital Chief Marketing Officer, as we find out why it's crucial for schools to sell their story.
Emotional Intelligence and its Impact on Students & Staff
EPISODE 16 | Join Amy Jacobson, Emotional Intelligence Specialist, as we grasp what Emotional Intelligence is and why it plays a key role within schools.
Personalities and Learning
EPISODE 15 | Join Merrick Rosenberg, Take Flight Learning CEO, as we delve into the topic of different personalities and how understanding them impacts the way students learn. [...]
Why does teaching change as students get older?
EPISODE 14 | Join Peter Cutrona, Australian Catholic Primary Principals' Association President, as we unpack why education morphs from primary right through to tertiary education and what we can learn from this. [...]
How are Parents Selecting a School – Online!
EPISODE 13 | Join Brendan Schneider, CEO of SchneiderB Academy, as we unpack how parents are selecting schools online, including some great tips and takeaways.
Coping with Childhood Trauma
EPISODE 12 | Join Dr Emma Woodward from The Child Psychology Service, as we explain how Observation, Curiosity and Compassion are key tools for educators to assist students coping with childhood trauma. [...]
CyberSafety – Keeping Students Safe Online
EPISODE 11 | Join Susan McLean from Cyber Safety Solutions as we delve into 'Keeping Students Safe Online' with tips for parents and educators to be aware of and a guide to assist children [...]
The Evolution of English
EPISODE 10 | Join Steve Campitelli, Academic Adviser and Master of Applied Linguistics from the University of Melbourne, as we delve into how we’ve managed to get to where we are today with global [...]
Delivering Great Customer Service in Schools
EPISODE 9 | Join Rob Norman from InspirED School Marketers, as we deliver the key to ensuring school growth - delivering great service to the customer in the first instance to our families. [...]
The Challenge of Delivering Education in Countries Affected By War
EPISODE 8 | We welcome guest to the show, Anita Dullard, International Committee of the Red Cross Spokesperson and Regional Media Advisor (Asia Pacific). This episode sheds light on the extraordinary challenges faced by [...]
The Great Uniform Debate
EPISODE 7 | This week we speak to Janice Crampton, Executive Director and CEO of Association of Independent School Admission Professionals in the USA. School uniforms have existed for almost as long as there [...]
Incorporating Indigenous Knowledges in Education
EPISODE 6 | This week we speak to Professor Jakelin Troy, University of Sydney Director, Indigenous Research. Incorporating Indigenous knowledges in education, the awareness of and respect for a body of knowledge and understanding [...]
Principal Wellbeing
EPISODE 5 | This week we feature Dr Paul Kidson, Senior Lecturer - Educational Leadership and Head of Postgraduate Education. With wellbeing and mental health at the forefront of our thinking more so than [...]
Enrolment Trends – A Market Place
EPISODE 4 | This week features guest to the show, Bryan MacDonald, SchoolMint CEO. In education, choice is now the dominant driver of enrolment and schools are realising they need to compete. As schools [...]
Incredible Benefits of Engaging with Alumni
EPISODE 3 | Featuring Daniel Cohen, CEO of Graduway, we discuss how the importance of engaging with alumni is growing. As schools and higher education institutions realise the value gained financially and in experience [...]
How Schools Can Raise $1m in 24Hrs
EPISODE 2 | Join Mandy McFarland, CEO of Educate Plus, as we delve into the increasing cost for schools to deliver education. With government funding struggling to keep abreast, should schools be looking to [...]
Are We Doing Education Right?
EPISODE 1 | Hear from our guest to the series this week, Meg Foley, President of Reimagining Education, as we delve into the school system as we know it. Split into primary, secondary and [...]
Bring back the Milk! Nutrition & Learning
EPISODE 6 | Featuring Lucinda Hancock, Nutrition Australia's CEO (VIC) & Accredited Nutritionist. We dive into nutrition and learning. Good eating has come under greater focus as fast food consumption grows and physical activity [...]
Gender in Education
EPISODE 5 | Featuring Anne Hollonds, Australia’s National Children’s Commissioner for the Australian Human Rights Commission. This week we unpack some of the gender-based issues in education, the changing landscape of the discourse and [...]
Building Resilience
EPISODE 4 | Featuring Hugh Van Cuylenburg, co-founder and presenter of The Resilience Project and published author. This episode, we delve into 'Building Resilience'. Made even more problematic by the global COVID pandemic, levels [...]
Co-Ed and Single Sex Schools: The State of Play
EPISODE 3 | Featuring Loren Bridge, Executive Officer of The Alliance of Girls’ Schools Australasia. Join us as we delve into an ongoing debate: given gender stereotypes and differences between the sexes, do girls [...]
Remote Learning in the COVID Era
EPISODE 2 Join Elizabeth Hanney, Principal of Siena College, Melbourne, Australia as we tackle the challenges of virtual education. Discover how schools have pivoted from in-class teaching to delivering virtual space education. Understand the [...]