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Enquiry Tracker


Super informative resources and inspiration just for you and your school, by our Enquiry Tracker team of experts.

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Why keeping School communities connected is critical during COVID-19

Here is Part 2 in our 3 part series. You can read Part 1 here Part #2: Keeping School Community Connected during COVID-19 Schools are far more than the sum of the collection of classes taught. Instead, they are rich communities that thrive on an adverse mix of activities [...]

By |30/03/2020|Blog, Marketing|

The 3 Marketing Pillars that Schools must address under COVID-19

Why is this important? The COVID-19 pandemic has forced schools to close their facilities for reasons that are obvious to us all. While teachers still need to educate online, school marketers and admissions staff have to think differently. The next months will be crucial to a school's business in [...]

By |28/03/2020|Blog, Marketing|

Discover how Santa Maria College easily manages future enquiries

A Real World Case Study - Managing School Enquiries Mrs Kylie Lawtey is the Admissions & Marketing Leader at Santa Maria College, a Catholic all-girls high school located in the Melbourne suburb of Northcote, Victoria, Australia. She has been an active user [...]

By |08/10/2019|Blog, News|

Top 3 issues schools face when tracking enquiries

Great Response Congratulations to Educate Plus on an extraordinary International Conference in Auckland last week attended by over 600 delegates! The event also doubled as the official launch of Enquiry Tracker in Australia and New Zealand–we were blown away with the energy and interest. Literally hundreds of schools expressed [...]

By |11/09/2018|Blog, News|
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