Enquiry Tracker – Official Launch

By |Published On: 04/09/2018|

Enquiry Tracker is here!

We are finally here! I am pretty excited that we are announcing Enquiry Tracker at Educate Plus International Conference in Auckland. It’s been a little while in the making, but we’ve been working behind the scenes for the last year with a bunch of schools to ensure we’ve developed the best possible product for schools to manage future enrolments.

I’ve been working with schools for the last 36 years and it is clear they come across many different challenges when it comes to managing their future pipeline. In fact, we did a survey of schools and found a very consistent pattern.

Key challenges

Here is what we found:

  • Difficult to track attendance & metrics for events
  • Need a reliable solution to manage visitor compliance
  • Their enquiries are stored in a range of disparate sources
  • Low visibility into the prospective student pool – especially years out
  • Difficult and time-consuming to create reports
  • Hard to document and maintain a long term relationship with prospects
  • Poor visibility into data showing which marketing programs are working
  • Difficulty in tracking conversion metrics for future enrolment years
  • Time required to enter data into a School Management System
  • Absence of meaningful student profiling including; demographic, psychographic & geographic information

So we set about working to solve these problems and more. The result is Enquiry Tracker, a web-based solution that that allows schools to track, capture and manage enquiries in one centralised platform. Whether it’s a future enrolment enquiry; an attendee at a School Tour or Open Day; a Personal Tour; or Prospectus requests – Enquiry Tracker integrates it all.

Our philosophy is centered around the following pillars.

Make it easy to collect data

We designed our instant webforms to collect vital family information for open days, tours, or a prospectus requests. These forms are ready to go out of the box; whether it be an Event Registration or a Prospectus Request and are designed to save hundreds of hours on manual data data entry so staff can focus on what matters.

Manage events with ease

It is important to collect data and know the details. Whether it be a high-volume attendance at School Tours and Open Days or how to handle Personal Tours, we wanted to make it easy to registering families online and use tablets for rapid check in.

Powerful insights & analytics

We also added a reporting and analytics module that was designed by education experts. As a result, it is focused on real-time critical analytics and insights to monitor progress. From demographics and event performance to geographic data and the ever- important feeder school information, Enquiry Tracker provides powerful data that instantly presents critical information.

And we are already getting some great feedback…

Already some 30 schools are using the program in the pre-launch period and are singing its praises – none other than former Educate Plus Chairman Patrick Kelly…

The demographics, geographic maps and data analysis are extraordinary. It’s the solution Principals, Marketers and Admissions have been waiting for and now they have it.

Patrick Kelly, Blackfriars Priory School, Adelaide

We will be at the Conference all week. Stop by our booth to say gidday!