Super informative resources and inspiration just for you and your school, by our Enquiry Tracker team of experts.
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Beyond Education
Celebrating Multi-Award Success in 2024
In the dynamic landscape of admissions management software, Enquiry [...]
Enquiry Tracker – Official Launch
Enquiry Tracker is here! We are finally here! I [...]
Is it enough to make a school tour virtual or is there a better way?
I think there most definitely is... This is the [...]
Where are your school leads coming from?
Lead Source vs How Did You Hear About Us One of the most fundamental mistakes we see schools’ struggle with is - how did we capture that lead in the first place? Now, there is a subtle difference between why a family may choose your school (word of mouth, [...]
Managing leads and enquiries
Our podcast interview with Image Seven In this episode of the School Marketing Communications Podcast, Charlie Maughan and Rita Kilroy at Image Seven talk about Facebook transparency tools and what this means for schools. In the Deep Dive, Charlie is joined by Brad Entwistle and Greg [...]
Where to store all those enquiries?
Spreadsheets, Event Management Software, Your inbox ... The lifeline for every school is future families and the majority of these will come from attending an event (virtual or in-person) or filling out a form on your website to get more information. So where does the enquiry go? For some [...]
Is it enough to make a school tour virtual or is there a better way?
I think there most definitely is... This is the question posed by Brad Entwistle at imageseven on his School Marketing Journal podcast, where I sat down to talk about the challenges schools face now that the previously unquestioned open days, school tours etc. are no longer the normal during [...]
The #1 Goal of Your School’s Website
Why it is not about Current Families or Alumni The lifeline of every educational institution is filling their pipeline with prospective families. Yet as a sector, we do little to monitor or capture future enquiry data. We are great at managing the current student body and immediate incoming cohort, [...]
Discover How To Run School Tours during the COVID-19 crisis
How live-stream technology can keep your tours on a roll Part 3 of our 3 part series. Be sure to read Part 1 and Part 2 The lifeline of every school is future enrolments and this is more critical than ever in today’s environment. Schools’ need to double down [...]