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Enquiry Tracker


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3 Simple Online Marketing Tips for Schools to Increase Enrolments

Schools are Businesses Schools are businesses and, as we all know, attracting enrolments (or butts on seats as some like to say) are as important as finding customers. As many discover a new climate for attracting customers to their school, we can often fall into the trap of using [...]

By |21/06/2021|Blog, Marketing|

Enquiry Tracker signs major deal with SchoolMint for USA market

Today is an incredible milestone for our company. Over the past several months, we have been in discussions with SchoolMint®, a leading provider of Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) in the USA K-12 education market. The result? We have now entered into a partnership agreement that will [...]

By |01/06/2021|Blog, News|

Moving to a Smart Online Application

An important day for Enquiry Tracker While NASA’s successful landing of Perseverance on Mars might justifiably create more coverage, the launch of our newest product Apply - our ‘smart’ online application solution designed for the K-12 schools market - has me pretty excited too! Why? Because it’s the realisation [...]

By |28/02/2021|Blog, News|

The Art of Communicating to Families

You need to treat all families as individuals Given you have asked the right questions, you’ll be able to easily segment your audience and send them the most relevant information. Segmenting is treating everyone differently. Many schools don’t capture the right data, so they are unable to easily segment [...]

By |18/01/2021|Blog, Marketing|
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