Super informative resources and inspiration just for you and your school, by our Enquiry Tracker team of experts.
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Beyond Education
The Super 7: How to Choose the Right School
EPISODE 3 | Join Director and Co-Founder of Enquiry [...]
Top 3 issues schools face when tracking enquiries
Great Response Congratulations to Educate Plus on an extraordinary [...]
Where to store all those enquiries?
Spreadsheets, Event Management Software, Your inbox ... The lifeline [...]
Moving to a Smart Online Application
An important day for Enquiry Tracker While NASA’s successful landing of Perseverance on Mars might justifiably create more coverage, the launch of our newest product Apply - our ‘smart’ online application solution designed for the K-12 schools market - has me pretty excited too! Why? Because it’s the realisation [...]
How to leverage your best asset
Your Students are you best brand ambassadors Now that families have booked to come to an event, this is the moment where you can utilize your greatest asset - your students. Sadly, this is where some schools miss the boat by not allowing, or not fully maximizing, students as [...]
The Art of Communicating to Families
You need to treat all families as individuals Given you have asked the right questions, you’ll be able to easily segment your audience and send them the most relevant information. Segmenting is treating everyone differently. Many schools don’t capture the right data, so they are unable to easily segment [...]
Why timely follow up is critical
A series of steps you have to do Now you are successfully capturing leads, the key is to make sure you follow up on all of them in a timely manner. The most common mistake for many schools is the failure to have adequate follow up because they are [...]
Why the right questions are key
So what questions should you ask on your website? Now you have web forms running on your website, and they are prominent, you must avoid falling for the trap of asking so many questions that the experience becomes intrusive. Sometimes less is best, and with the right system you [...]
Why many schools make this costly mistake
They bury their key forms We know the primary goal of your website is to capture leads; we have presented the advantages of a central database; we have identified the top lead source as being your web forms. So, now you have to make sure these forms are easy [...]